Here is a drawing frmo back in the day when Marvel was having fun with its characters and doing all sorts of side book. This is PETER PORKER: THE AMAZING SPIDERHAM.
This is an old one I did of Robin Williams.....It was my first real attempt at exaggeration....I was happy with it. I remember having this great reference picture of him!!
ok,,,here is where it all began.. THis is a group from Holy Cross Hopsital who wanted to have a picture for a surgeon, pictured with the cloud coming from his head, remembering all the people he was leaving behind.
Here is a final version of my Jimmy Buffet Caricature. He is suppose to be in town this weekend and his resturant is on Navy Pier. I was kinda hoping he might stop by and see this. :)
I work acrooss from this really neat gal named Monica.. we kinda befriended each other. She is a cool artist in her own right. So One day I caught a glimpse of something in a pose and decided to try and make use of it!
Ok so Jimmy Buffet is due in town for a concert. He also has MARGARITTEVILLE @ Navy Pier... In honor of working there I thought I might throw something together! Im not one for doing the "popular" people but I thought...what the hell!
Here is my Right Van shoe.. I was looking through some tattoo flash and liked this image so I croped it here and colored it with some Paint Markers I bought from a local Art Store!
So in looking up cuttleFish and found one white with black strips.....So I thought a really cool one would be a tribal one!! Not so cuddly...But cool all the same!
This just the start of a series I started... This is a CuttleFish. I saw this pendent of one and the way the tentacles were placed it looked like it was holding something...So i thought of a skateboard! RADICAL DUDE!
SO the Owner of the Caricature stand I work at has been training new recruits and talking like some old master. Here is what I think it might look like to see him a s a YODA JEDI CARICATURE MASTER...He is german so the Accent has to come into play!
I have been drawing and painting ever since I could hold pencil. I was always drawing and very visual. I have also always been a very CRAZY and voictrious guy. I kinda dried up during High School. Not till I got Divorced did the outgoing outragious character resurface.