OK.. so here is a little added something to the image I posted below. I thought it needed a little wording to really sell it. also changed the jaw a little, I didnt think the mandible(lower jaw) looked a part of the design.
Ok so a guy I know and I were talking about the famed JONESTOWN massacre. Where JIM JONES killed his flock with cyanide laced KOOL AIDE..then it hit me that after that little incident the KOOL AIDE guy should have a new face. Now...A fellow artist on DEVIANTART.COM suggested the idea of commercialism poisoning our children..hmmm. Maybe will develop an idea along those lines.
Here is my little style of Ms OPRAH.....Inspired by a tattoo flash magazine. thought it was kind of appropriate for the status that she seems to be getting these days. Was going for a flat color scheme
I have been drawing and painting ever since I could hold pencil. I was always drawing and very visual. I have also always been a very CRAZY and voictrious guy. I kinda dried up during High School. Not till I got Divorced did the outgoing outragious character resurface.